What is the link between the PVsyst Company and the PVSYST Foundation?

The PVSYST Foundation and the PVsyst Company are André Mermoud's initiatives. These two structures operate strictly independently. The Foundation may, if necessary, request the support of PVsyst teams free of charge, but in no case does it encourage the use of PVsyst software.

What is PVSYST?

The acronym PVSYST stands for PhotoVoltaic (PV) System (SYST).

Does the PVSYST Foundation limit its activities to photovoltaic solar energy?

The PVSYST Foundation's priority areas of intervention are water, hygiene and sanitation, economic development, energy and education, which may or may not include a solar photovoltaic component. Depending on the nature of the actions to be carried out, the use of photovoltaic technologies will be encouraged, but does not condition the commitment of the PVSYST Foundation.

How is the PVSYST Foundation funded?

Initial financing was provided by founder André Mermoud and the PVsyst company. Complementary financing may be envisaged to strengthen the company's capital base and enable it to operate. At the same time, the PVSYST Foundation does not rule out soliciting additional funding, in donations or in kind, from public and private organizations, companies and individuals, subject to its autonomy of intervention.

Is it possible to receive funding from the Foundation?

The PVSYST Foundation does not intend to limit its action to financing third parties in charge of implementing interventions. In this sense, it does not simply act as a donor, but as an operator and partner in the implementation of the projects it supports. The"Contact us" page will provide you with all the information you need.

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