PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
Photovoltaic training, application and incubation center in Senegal
- AccEd, a Swiss-based association specializing in education and training, pilots the initial training, and coordinates the project with the PVSYST Foundation.
- Une Lumière Dans La Rue, based in Thiès, is responsible for the day-to-day running of the training center, coordinating training courses and liaising with institutions and authorities, as well as facilitating post-training follow-up and networking entrepreneurs.
Context area of intervention
Senegal currently has a population of 14 million, almost 50% of whom live in urban areas. The illiteracy rate exceeds 40%, while the unemployment rate fluctuates between 15% and 35%, depending on the source, particularly affecting young people, who account for 81% of the total population. Rural areas are the first to be affected. They do not enjoy decent access to basic services, with 72% of rural dwellers lacking access to electricity, for example. The combination of these two phenomena fuels the dynamics of exodus and migration.
Training and supporting solar photovoltaic technicians and entrepreneurs in rural areas is an opportunity to develop economic activity while helping to improve living conditions.
Main results phase I (2017 - 2020)
- 285 applicants, 77 successful candidates, 75 trainees, including 20% women, 50% initial training and 50% continuing training, for an average training time of 450 hours, including 58% practical training (practical work, practical training, training site).
- 10 partner companies for 32 training sites (an average of 3 sites per trainee)
- At the end of the training
- 28% of trainees are now working for a company; of these, 22% have not yet validated their Solar Installer Certificate.
- 3 individual businesses and 11 MSEs set up by the project, employing 39 learners (52% of trainees) from 11 Senegalese communes
Main objectives phase II (2021 - 2023)
- Provide professional training leading to qualifications in solar photovoltaics for domestic and productive use for target groups (Initial Training: 30 young people An1 An2, : 32 neo-technicians or rural entrepreneurs in 1 KW solar installation per year) including 16 unemployed young graduates and 30 graduates from the Centre on the Medium and Large Installation Training Module: 15 per year)
- Facilitate the professional integration of 122 young people trained (Solateurs) in their home territories in activities linked to the development of photovoltaic solar energy.
Main expected results phase II
- Unqualified young people aged between 18 and 35, who have acquired vocational training leading to a qualification in domestic solar energy and are capable of offering photovoltaic products and services in their home territory.
- Trained operators have acquired entrepreneurial skills and are now able to offer photovoltaic products and services in their local area.
- The post-training follow-up system set up to help young trainees enter the job market is up and running.
- The system of partnerships and dissemination of best practices exists and is operational.

Useful links
Link to the website of the Training Center in Senegal: promess-senegal.org