Scope of intervention

Modus operandi

2 complementary modes of intervention:

Technical assistance by directly providing and/or mobilizing outside expertise on a particular theme or territory, to support the structuring of companies or the setting up of training programs.

Support for investment and acquisition of equipment and/or infrastructure in support of an operational partner, in addition to or in support of technical assistance.

The PVSYST Foundation promotes initiatives with a lasting impact. This is why it excludes from the scope of its interventions initiatives aimed solely at supporting :

  • Structures with no prospect of autonomy and sustainability,
  • Building infrastructure without a development plan, exit strategy, and viability for economic activities.

In exceptional cases, the PVSYST Foundation may finance operating costs related to the animation, teaching, training and maintenance of infrastructures, with the aim of enhancing and reinforcing their usefulness.

Financing interventions

Source of funds

Initial financing was provided by founder André Mermoud and the PVsyst company. It does not exclude soliciting additional funding, in donations or in kind, from public and private organizations, companies and individuals, subject to its autonomy of intervention.

Lessor operator

The PVSYST Foundation does not intend to limit its action to financing third parties in charge of implementing interventions. In this sense, it does not act as a simple financial backer, but as an operator and operational partner for the projects it supports.

Intervention zones

The PVSYST Foundation works in Switzerland and in developing countries. There are no restrictions on areas of intervention, but there is a need for coherence and continuity, as well as a willingness to spin off actions already underway. It aims, over time, to build a territorial logic - different intervention themes in the same territory and for the same beneficiary population - and a thematic logic - replication and pooling in relevant territories of initiatives that have demonstrated added value and can benefit from previous experience.


With a view to continuously improving its activities and their impact on the beneficiaries, the PVSYST Foundation will, wherever possible, evaluate the projects carried out, both in the short and long term. The PVSYST Foundation can ensure detailed follow-up of the actions initiated, particularly the technical solutions, with a view to research for the analysis and improvement of these techniques in the context of developing countries.

Partners beneficiaries


Local and/or international partners sharing common interests and goals with the PVSYST Foundation for the joint implementation of an action. The notions of mutual interest and respective added value are essential to the partnership philosophy that the PVSYST Foundation wishes to develop. So is the long-term commitment to structuring actions.

Final beneficiaries

As direct or indirect beneficiaries of the Foundation's actions, the Foundation intends to promote community-based approaches through actions that ultimately benefit the entire pre-identified community, without distinction or exclusion, and taking care not to create distortion or opposition among populations sharing the same territory.

Download the Foundation brochure