Building the capacities of PROMEE masters and project's team - Kirghizistan - august 2023

The objectives of GERES' mission  

In June 2023, GERES (Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités), a French NGO supporting the access to renewable energies, provided technical training to CAMP Alatoo trainers and artisans involved in PROMEE project.

This training was the follow-up of a first visit to GERES at the end of 2022. This visit was intended to carry out an initial inventory, define the priority training needs of the masters involved in the project and, ultimately, improve the quality of insulation work delivered to the concerned households.

The mission came to an end in November 2023, with a final meeting with the Foundation's Board and the delivery of the final report. the main findings are shared below.

The on-site training of the masters and CAMP's team

During this last mission, Marc Glass, GERES project manager for energy and housing, worked with the teams on several techniques of interest in the Kyrgyz context:

  • Ventilation, an essential bue neglected element, both by masters and households ;

  • Wooden-floor insulation, for which masters had no solution so far. This even led them renouncing to some contracts ;

  • Inside-walls insulation, for houses with completed outside finishing.

A dozen of craftsmen and CAMP's 2 trainers benefited from these training sessions carried out on-site with a strong practical approach. An initial 3-hour session clarified some notions about the 3 types of technical solutions.

The training used a dialectical methodology, with some theoritical inputs reviewed during the on-site practical sessions.

7 houses were identified, each with a different set of problems. This created the opportunity to have 2 sites in parallel on each topic, with 2 groups of 6 craftsmen rotating on each topic.

A global approach for training and sensitizing

In addition, the training courses provided by CAMP for craftsmen entering the support scheme (courses on overall insulation) have been revised and simplified, and will be given to new craftsmen in the project's phase 2.

GERES along with CAMP's team, also took the occasion of this assignment to review and simplify the commercial leaflet aimed at raising families' awareness of insulation work.

The Foundation warmly thanks CAMP Alatoo's team for their support and involvement during the mission, as well as Marc Glass for his involvment and key contributions for the improvement of local skills, and of the project overall relevance.

Photo credit : Marc Glass for GERES