PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
PROMESS project
PROfessionnels pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie Solaire et Solidaire (Professionals in Solar and Solidarity Energy Management)
Photovoltaic training, application and incubation center in Senegal
The PROMESS project is run by the Thiès-based association "Une Lumière Dans La Rue". The association is responsible for day-to-day management of the training center, pedagogical coordination of training courses and liaison with institutions and authorities, as well as organizing and facilitating post-training follow-up and networking among entrepreneurs.

A cohort of FIS (Formation d'Installateur Solaire) trainees
Context & area of intervention
Senegal currently has a population of 14 million, almost 50% of whom live in urban areas. The illiteracy rate exceeds 40%, while the unemployment rate fluctuates between 15% and 35%, depending on the source, particularly affecting young people, who account for 81% of the total population. Rural areas are the first to be affected. They do not enjoy decent access to basic services, with 72% of rural dwellers lacking access to electricity, for example. The combination of these two phenomena fuels the dynamics of exodus and migration.
Training and supporting solar photovoltaic technicians and entrepreneurs in rural areas is an opportunity to develop economic activity while helping to improve living conditions.
Main results of the first two phases (2017 - 2020 and 2021 - 2023)
- Setting up training standards and curricula
- Recruitment of trainers, setting up the project team within ULDLR.
- 124 graduates (26 women, 98 men) ;
- Already tangible results:
- 28% of trainees are now working for a company; of these, 22% have not yet validated their Solar Installer Certificate.
- 3 individual businesses and 11 MSEs set up by the project, employing 39 learners (52% of trainees) from 11 Senegalese communes
Main objectives phase III (2023 - 2025)
- This strategic orientation was adopted for a number of reasons: the desire not to saturate the market in and around Thiès; the need for electrification in other parts of the country; and the need for a skilled and competent workforce to meet these needs.

Learners on a training site
- Revise training curricula: consolidate initial and continuing training into a single FIS (Formation d'Installateur Solaire); simplify the pedagogical content of FP (Formation Pompage, aimed at professionals) and adapt its timetable to the constraints of solar installers.
- Facilitating the professional integration of the 124 young people trained during the first two phases, and of those who will be trained during phase 3: the creation of a development officer position and the setting up of an internal system dedicated to post-training follow-up and support are major challenges for phase 3. Missions are geared towards companies (building up a network of partner companies, visits to the training center by professionals, meetings between professionals and graduates, etc.) as well as graduates (support for the development of the alumni network, support for the formalization of micro-enterprises, help in responding to calls for tenders by PROMESS graduate entrepreneurs, etc.).
- Strengthening the skills of the PROMESS team: strengthening the skills of our operational partners remains a top priority for the Foundation. Various HR evolutions (project manager, administrative and accounting manager, logistician, development manager)
Update to February 2025
- In terms of training, PROMESS has so far graduated 162 people, 42 women and 120 men.
- To reinforce the practical aspect, which is already a dominant feature of the training program, the center's teaching equipment has been expanded with the addition of 2 practical benches (simulating a domestic installation and simulating a pumping system).

Learners in practical classes - use of a practical bench simulating a domestic installation.
- In the current phase 3, graduates came from 4 regions of the country: Fatick (7 graduates: 3 women, 4 men), Louga (9 graduates: 4 women, 5 men), Saint-Louis (8 graduates: 3 women, 5 men) and Tambacounda (8 graduates: 4 women, 4 men).
- The curricula for VT (Pumping training) have been revised and the hourly volume reduced to 93 hours, of which more than 50% is practical. 22 out of 24 learners (9 women, 13 men) have graduated from the pumping course since the start of phase 3.
- An interesting trend in terms of work camps, carried out by trainees during their studies with various companies, shows that the most active PROMESS graduates are now offering to host trainees on work camps.
- Over 100 companies have been canvassed since the third quarter of 2024. Around 15 of them have met (face-to-face or videoconference) to give a presentation of PROMESS and the advantages of the training program, particularly in terms of practical experience. 5 of them visited the center at the end of 2024, inaugurating a series of similar events in the months to come.

- An agreement has been signed between a first company and PROMESS. The aim of these agreements is to formalize the relationship on employment issues. In particular, companies undertake to share job and subcontracting opportunities with PROMESS, which are then circulated to the alumni network.
- Une convention a été signée entre une première entrepris et PROMESS. ces conventions visent à formaliser la relation sur les questions d’emploi. Les entreprises s’engagent notamment à partager avec PROMESS les opportunités d’emplois ou de sous-traitance, diffusées ensuite dans le réseau des diplômés.

- The Trajectoires survey provided more information for over 60% of graduates (survey respondents): more than half of them (58% for men, 50% for women) are in an entrepreneurial situation (micro-enterprise, formal or informal); 12% of women and 5% of men have an employment contract. The results are interesting, and future surveys will enable us to verify the effectiveness of post-training activities.
- L’enquête de Trajectoires a permis d’avoir plus d’informations pour plus de 60% des diplômés (répondants à l’enquête) : plus de la moitié d’entre eux (58% pour les hommes, 50% pour les femmes) sont en situation d’entreprenariat (micro-entreprise, formelle ou informelle) ; 12% des femmes et 5% des hommes sont en contrat de travail. Les résultats sont intéressants, et les prochaines enquêtes permettront de vérifier l’efficacité des activités liées au post-formation.
Liens utiles
Lien vers le site du Centre de Formation au Sénégal : promess-senegal.org